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Rise up in the morning, having a HOLIDAY!
Is it a Birthday of a leader or a Festival?
Or you are just tired and resting at home.

Yes, It is a Celebration of a new leader whose selection by you would lead to a festival everyday.
Because you are just tired with all the chaos happening at your home country.

Do you want to live in a better place?
Do you want India to change?

The blame-game won’t work every time.
Why we forget it is not only the ‘politicians’ country but over too?

When you know the person is wrong why to support him to?
Choose him even after you know?

If you feel everyone is the same, then be the change and stand for betterment.
And if you don’t want to do that, then start acting up in a responsible way.

It is the Government’s work to clean the city, but aren’t you equally responsible to help keeping it clean.

Think, Act and mainly exercise your right of choosing.
You can’t choose your family but hell yeah you can choose a person who helps many families to live right!

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