

Want defined by Google is ‘should or need to do something’

We wanted India to win – this can go as a perfect example of what people wanted.

But suddenly I realized something. Any human in today’s or even the previous eras wanted something. In my words I divide ‘want’ into two parts.

  1. The Positive Want
  2. Negative Want

The Positive Want of what we say is wanting to do something good which benefits you in a long run and also most of the times which even benefits the larger crowd too.

This kind of Want is of what I say is very feasible in every man’s individual term.
Mughals wanted to rule India – for Indians that wasn’t the thing which they wished or wanted but for the Mughals it was their way of succeeding and showing their power.

Somewhere Indians benefited and understood the importance of unity. So this concludes that something good does come out such wants.

This stands the talks of the history,
Even now, there would be someone who would want to go higher than you, wants to give you competition. That is the persons want. Let’s name this person as ‘Chris’

Chris wants to succeed you by taking that one thing which you have, what will you do is try saving them by finding new techniques or even better find an alternative for Chris.

Chris’s want made you learn something better about you too. And I think learning out of anything is good.

But the issue stands for the Negative Want.
A Negative want is when you want the certain thing to be someway for your temporary happiness.
We want someone to change in a way so that they can make you happy and after a while when they change they would please you but then you start missing the initial reason of why you liked or even talked to that person.

Parents have always wanted their kid to be in a certain way. But in the mean time the kid looses the essence of him being a child. He is molded in a way which cannot be undone.

When you tell a person to change or be a certain way or do a certain thing just because you think he/she should, then you as a person are forgetting not everyone is born to act in a certain way but to stand out in different sectors.

And if the change stands necessary then trust the law of the land. THE PERSON WILL LEARN.
And remember a learned thing is difficult to forget then a taught thing.

So if you are planning to change someone or want something, do think it in this way.

Signing off.

With a little wisdom,
Urmi x

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