
Coping Up

There are moments in one’s life where somewhere down the line he/she feels hopeless, incapable or mainly just out the box.

There could be many reasons for the same, maybe sometimes people or situations or even sometimes your own thoughts could transport you from a happy to sad in 0.5 seconds.

Very recently, I happen to be encountered this. I didn’t really understand why and to be very honest I blamed it on my hormones. Discovering we all do this. Our distress has been always or mostly blamed outside.

In moments such in anyone’s life the only thing you could do is this.

  1. I’m sure if you are reading this that means you have a means to connect to Social Media, that means you can access YouTube and that means you can view comedians!
    I have got your back if you have a lower speed,  Google Santa – Banta jokes. Surely will crack you up!
  2. Okay, since you have eyes (because you are reading this) get away from the gadget and walk a bit or sip a coffee.
  3. Cry a little. Sometimes you can get a lot off just by shredding.
  4. Talk to someone and I mean anyone. That would surely make your problems seem a little less or a strength to overcome this.
  5. Shake it off, I mean shake off your body and even things around your house, might give you a bit different prospective.

The list could go one but remember you are a very unique as a person and also your defense mechanism would be different but also very well remember that you are allowed to break, you are allowed to stumble but only what one is not allowed to sit down and give up.

Everyone has a purpose and in this competition you would feel low and incompetent and it will be hard to get away from it. At that time if you are lucky enough you have someone by your side seeing it all or you become your own saviour. And if you are luckier enough you do it both.

I’m sure you have been a hero. It is just time to strengthen your armour.

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