Love · Mother · relations

For you, Ma

With you completing so many years on this beautiful earth (I’m a nice daughter who doesn’t reveal her mother’s age), you have been a source of energy and happiness for many. Be it your parents, brother, your beautiful friends, your neighbors and even your bosses. Now you continue to be a source of strength for me, my sister, your husband, our family, people around you and even for yourself.

Thank you for doing that!

But I am not here to pen down the great things you do, I’m sure for you it is not a job but your love for us. Rather I am here to tell you that,

1. Ma, you have been a rock of support. With your every ‘no’ I have learnt the wisdom later behind it and sometimes you have too learnt the wisdom of letting me go.

2. Knowingly and unknowingly you have let me have a way of life that is way different from your style of thinking and trust me enough to make my decisions, Ma if your daughter’s happiness is your priority then let me tell you doing a great job!

3. I have heard something called ‘shock absorbent’, I didn’t know they have named that product after you Ma! For all that you take it with a slight of venting out is miraculous. I wish to imbibe even a little of it.

4. The way you have adapted to changes in your life all for love is nothing but astonishingly beautiful.

That’s me and my mother!

5. I may be a biggest disappointment for you in terms of having a ‘homely daughter’ but I have compensated that by being bold, fierce and sort of independent.

6. Don’t think that independent term meant that I will not take your things. Everything in your wardrobe is mine! 😛

7. There are many women whom I keep in comparison to your position. Inevitably maybe a few years later (read 6-7 years later) I will have to call someone else Ma too, but that doesn’t and will never mean you don’t come first.

8. There are and will be many times when we disagree. It is going to happen but you need to trust me enough with your teachings, everything will be in place.

Everything else apart, yes as a woman you will go through many changes in your life after this point of time, with getting beautiful specs and sometimes deteriorating health don’t forget that you have two daughters to love you completely and you will always be an epitome of beauty for us.


That’s my mother, father and my baby sister, Smruti.

Happy Birthday to you, will surely make it a beautiful one!

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