
Path to Happiness FOUND!

No, this is not a list of things or directions to take to find happiness in your life.

Nor it is a write-up about how happiness can come from eating Dairy Milk (you know that’s true though!)

But a simple way of being happy!

What is Happiness? (According to me)

Happiness is a state of mind, when you feel in the moment!

Then why care if it is temporary or a life time one. Surely it will be difficult to let go but not impossible. Maybe how life is supposed to be,

Many happy moments combined together, for a life time to cherish!

So seek those happy – moments inevitable of how long or short it is, live it to the fullest and mainly be a strength to someone who needs it more than you.

That’s the path of happiness, like the game Temple Run, collecting those jewels and jumping through the sad parts only hoping to collect more jewels!

I know it will be difficult to take a jump but you’ll get through it.

If you don’t, maybe there is something better awaiting you!

(I know this would be very very vague for few of you reading, but hey, if you have gone through the same, hit me up!)

Hope all of you had an amazing festive weekend and are ready to grind back from Monday!

Happy Diwali and a Prosperous New Year to all of you!

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