Emotions · relations

An Open Letter to the Millennial and Generation Y


As you read this, you would have just switched from your Snapchats or Instagram or your Facebook, whatever it is, there is something I need to talk to you about.

As a generation, we are very privilege. You hear that from everyone specially your parents, that you have everything what we didn’t have. But do we actually have everything? Are we self sufficient though our spidey world wide web?

If you are anything like me, or different than me I’m sure you have been disappointed by friends or even family if you are lucky then by both but does that stop you?

We do have the privilege of being connected but not wiping our online footprint. We have every kind of access but no self control. We have everything on our fingertips but yet have lonely nights!

Somewhere down the line, you start reminiscing the old times, simpler times where people learnt patience and the fruit of patience. Where people were not religious but spiritual.

But trust me we are better, not clouded by judgements and oh-so-accepting. We have embraced LGBT community as human and know ‘untouchability’ is a mere word in the dictionary.

So what’s the problem mate?

We have failed to stand up physically to something that is wrong. Have called each other names and moved on, have got pressured into doing something which is socially acceptable and not something because you wanted to do. Stalked someone but with a fear of rejection. Wrote messages only to be deleted later on! Got so absorbed by technology that we forgot our responsibilities.

We have failed in the capability to think about ourselves without thinking about the consequences first.

So what next? Are we doomed? Should we just leave tech?

No, but the way our parents had their games we have ours, only behind the screen and be proud but we have lost the ability to see the silent cry behind someones’ smile or have refrained from crying because you don’t want to be termed ‘pansy’. Take a risk, cry it out and don’t regret. No amount of world rules should define your next move. If it makes you happy, do it! If you know you can’t stay, leave. If you are in a grey area, come to a conclusion because there is always a solution.

Don’t end up cutting your wrists or taking pills, it is super cool to look. You can talk, write a message and send it, to me or to anyone, there is always someone there. Even your worst enemy.

You know why,

‘Because we all crave for a little bit of love.’

It is not easy, you will judge because that’s what you have been doing, but don’t obstruct a person’s choices but instead RESPECT THEM. If they are smart enough to know how to survive, they are smart enough to understand whats’ right for them. Be a generation of overseeing religion. We all have red blood and it is the person who does wrong things. Trust in the power of the universe and it’s timings.

Dear Millennial and Generation Y, live your life even if it is behind your screens but don’t do anything that manages to degrade someone. Refrain or look away, it is a pretty long process but worth it. A friend or a foe, just make sure there is nothing that can trouble him/her and don’t let any number decide your self worth but it is better to have 10 followers but 5 people who love you, then to have 13.8K followers and everyone just waiting for you to make one wrong move.

And even if you have 13.3K followers, swell with pride and spread the message of ‘Be Kind’.



A millennial still figuring out things.

If you need to talk, write to me on urmi.bhatt97@gmail.com I might not have answers but I surely have a patient listening ear!

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