Emotions · Love

Reasons you should watch Sex and The City NOW!

If you are any girl like me and know Hollywood, you are aware of this wonderful 90s’ show ‘Sex and the City’ and surprisingly it is still relevant to our current life situations.

Women of the series: Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte are so different yet some parts of all these women are so relatable.

With Carrie’s understanding men and defining worldly relations and Miranda’s hopeless quest for balancing work and love. Charlotte and Samantha’s polar opposite personalities draw every bit of interest that we have.

Throughout the series, a sex columnist Carrie loves her life and the men in her life. From giving in to liberating feelings of sex to having unrequited loves. She defines so many problems so perfectly and has her basic priority sorted out. Vintage Clothes, Vouge, Cosmopolitan and a lot of Jimmy Choo shoes.


Miranda defines every working women so perfectly and blends right in! Why only is it that the girly girls get great loves while the ‘normal’ girls have to wait. Why can’t a women have it all? Success, love and a great house? Continuously questioning her girls, she never sugar coated anything and that part of hers will stay with me ALWAYS.


A hopeless romantic when it comes to love, Charlotte York makes you wish you had her kind of confidence in life. From having a fairytale marriage which ended to falling in love with a completely opposite kind of a person, her hope for true love never ended.


Samantha Jones, oh so independent and vocal about her needs. A man of women’s world, Jones loved being in power and so open about everything. A ‘try-sexual’ made you just wonder how can you turn off your emotions and just have good old fashion sex! She did break her heart but boy, her way of self-love is something everyone should learn from.


All these women relate had an unbreakable friendship bond, something you wish for, they disagreed only to come back to each other.


So boys, if you think this is a girly show, maybe you need to sit down and watch this to know what goes on inside the women whom you find confusing.

Dear Women, you will find something that relates to you making you realise you are not the only one in this mess called life.

Watched this series over 5 times, I still haven’t had the courage to see the last season. I guess I will wait until I have my piece of Mr. Big

Made in the 90s’ this show will be relatable until the end of existence.

And as for me,
I’m a little bit of all these four women and hell my life is so confusing. But I rather live try managing it by revisiting every single episode until Season 5.

I know I’m going to shed a tear or two after Season 6 and I’m just not prepared for it.


With love,
A fan wanting to make you a fan too!

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